Ballarat has recently celebrated its 160th year. For more details click here. See the Events page for Jewish press coverage.

Ballarat Synagogue

built on gold

Ballarat Synagogue is closely linked with the history and growth of the district. Gold, found in Ballarat in 1851, lured young men of the Jewish faith from around the world.

The synagogue is one of the most precious buildings associated with Australian Jewry. Its second president was Charles Dyte, a leading member of the community, who took a prominent part with Peter Lalor in obtaining justice for miners following the Eureka Rebellion in 1854.

Dyte laid the foundation stone of the present synagogue on 25 January 1861.

Schedule of Services

Please see our Services page for our calendar of services.


Please support our fundraising effort, focusing on both the immediate and long-term future of our Synagogue, its preservation for our children, our children’s children and beyond… find out more about our tax deductible Public Fund on our Donate Now page.

Historic importance

The Synagogue was listed by the National Trust of Australia in 1975 as a historic building of significance that must be conserved for future generations. Discover more of our history on our About Us page.

Ballarat Synagogue